oh snap!
One way to tell someone you don't like them is to text them "37OHSSV O773H"
and tell them to read it upside down.

I wearing the smile you gave me :)


You know I wouldn't have it any other way!

In the blink of a night,
I was falling from the sky,
In the blur, you took my breath away..
I was falling from the sky,
In the blur, you took my breath away..
Så sant

fan vad jag saknar dig
"Here's some advice. Stay alive."

A relationship without trust is like having a phone with no service.
And what do you do with a phone with no service? You play games...
Look back
All this passion and all this pain
Just take it like a man and baby walk away
And never look back, never look back
And never look back, never look back
All this crying in New York rain
It's just a bit pathetic and its far to late
To ever look back, ever look back
I'll never look back, I will not look back

All this passion and all this pain,
Just take it like a man and baby walk away,
And never look back, never look back,
And never look back, never look back.
All this crying in New York rain,
It's just a bit pathetic and its far to late,
To ever look back, ever look back,
I'll never look back, I will not look back,
for you.
If you don't want a sarcastic answer, don't ask a stupid question. :)


Everybody talks about leaving a better planet for the children,
why nobody tries to leave better children to the planet?
Would a five year-old version of you look up to the person you've become? Think about it.

Nalle puh ♥

just saying
Never apologize for what you feel. It's like saying sorry for being real.

Anyone can make you smile, but not everybody can make you happy.

Jag dog lite grann men min själ börja läka,
Tror någonstans att det vässa min skärpa,
Förluster är förstora när de först dimper ner,
Om myten av en evig seger blir det inget mer,
För utan att ge upp hade jag aldrig tatt emot,
Nån lärdom av mig själv eller andra på min jord,
Så en på miljonen eller två tre i timmen,
Begravd på min hårddisk eller vissnad i minnet,
Du vill, du vill, du vill, (men du kommer inte vidare)
Se soldaterna falla,
Du vill, du vill, du vill, (du kommer aldrig tillbaka)
It doesn't matter how you look, what your weight is or how much makeup you put on. The right guy will love you for what's on the inside.
Ooh that's so damn true..